Image: Design Schematic for Panel #1

Power Supply Projects Ltd have recently completed the modification of four protection training panels for Network Rail. The bespoke panels were previously produced by Power Supply Projects and have been modified to incorporate additional functionality.

The panels simulate the protection panels installed within Southern Region DC substations and allow the trainer to teach the skills required for applying/extracting relay settings and carrying out common maintenance and fault-finding activities.
The following types of protection are simulated:

– Feeder Protection utilising Micom P145 and MITRE ATR Protection Relays
– Feeder Differential Protection with Pilot Wire Supervision utilising MBCI and MRTP protection relays
– Feeder Differential Protection with Pilot Wire Supervision utilising 7SD600 protection relays.

Image: Design schematic for Panel #2-3

The panels were modelled in 3D using Bentley MicroStation CAD software by PSP’s in house Design Team in order to visualise how the modified panels would look prior to the modifications being made and to provide the relevant detail drawings to allow the modification of the panels and associated wiring at PSP’s Orion Park workshop facility.

In addition to the physical modification of the panels PSP also developed a suite of training manuals for each type of panel for use by the Network Rail trainers when delivering their training courses. As part of this activity PSP staff are due to carry out “Train the Trainer” training with the Network Rail training team early in September in order to familiarise them with the content of the training documents and panels.

Image: Design Schematic for Panel #4